Regulation Strategies

At Lakeland Ridge we are taking intentional steps to enhance understanding and awareness of regulation and how our brains work with both students and staff. Our goal is to nurture emotional resilience and well-being among our students and school community.

Below are a sampling of regulatory strategies that we're practicing at the school to keep our amygdalas calm. Try some of these at home!

Dual Drawings

With a partner and one sheet of paper, take turns drawing a line or shape, silently passing the paper back and forth for one minute. When the minute is up, talk, laugh and explore what you've created together. This is a fun way to build cooperation and collaboration!

Eye Yoga

Keeping your head still, take your right hand with your pointer finger and move your finger (slowly) back and forth from side to side and only move your eyes. Try not to move your head as you follow your finger. After you have tried this a few times, do this with a partner and have them watch you follow your finger to see if you can still your head. You can also move your finger up and down and in different positions but only follow with your eyes. 

This practice helps activate the vagus nerve, a key player in our nervous system that regulates many essential functions, including digestion, blood flow, heart rate, and emotional balance. 

Opposite Time

First, students are asked to raise their right arm, then their right leg, followed by their left arm and left leg. Do this 2 times as your teacher calls them out in this order.

Now switch things up! When the teacher says, “right arm,” students must raise their left arm instead, if the teacher calls "left arm" you raise your right arm and same pattern for your legs.

Fist Pumping

Stretch arms out to each side (shoulder height) and elbows straight. Alternate opening and closing your fists with an energizing breath. Continue for 30 seconds. Flip your hands over and open and close the fists again for another 30 seconds.

During this exercise, the fingers act like a remote control for the brain, waking it up with this repetition. This strengthens the nervous system.

Crossing Movements

Make a fist with the thumb inside and straighten the arms out to a 60-degree angle. Inhale with straight arms and cross in front of our forehead on the exhale. Inhale with straight arms at a 60- degree angle and cross behind our head. Try doing this for a minute.  

Continue with this powerful breath as this focused attention strategy increases improved blood flow to the brain. 

Mind Colors 

For this strategy you are going to look around the room and quietly find  

  • 1 thing that is red 
  • 1 thing that is orange 
  • 1 thing that is yellow 
  • 1 thing that is green 
  • 1 thing that is blue  

You can choose to write them down or keep them in your head.  

This strategy switches your mind to focus on a different task which allows you to take a moment from the stress or anxiety you might be having. This focused attention strategy is one that you can easily use when in the classroom and is great for a mind reset when writing tests or whenever you may need! 

Concentrated Flipping

For this focused attention strategy you will need a pen or pencil.

In your dominant hand you are going to hold your pen/pencil, and the goal is to try and see how many times you can flip it and catch it in a minute.

To make it harder try and get your pen to do 2 rotations before catching it. 

Frog Breaths

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, squat down and touch the floor with your fingertips. Exhale slowly as you squat. As you stand back up, inhale! You want to complete this at a slow, controlled pace while you focus on your breathing! Your exhale should be longer than your inhale. 

This is an energizing focused attention strategy. Energizing focused attention strategies improve mental clarity, productivity, and emotional regulation, helping reduce stress and increase motivation and energy levels for better overall well-being. 

Hand Tracing

Place your non-dominant hand on a flat surface (the desk, your leg, etc). Use your finger to trace your hand without lifting it - up, down, and around each finger. As you do this, you should pay attention to your breathing and focus on the continuous movement of your finger. You can breathe in as you trace up and breathe out when you trace down. Do this for a minimum of 30 seconds!

This strategy is great for when you're feeling overwhelmed and need a quiet way to calm yourself at your desk.

Clap, Lap, Clap, Miss

While sitting, clap both hands once. Then hit your lap with both hands. Clap once more and then miss a clap (for the miss move your hands like you are going to high five the person to your LEFT and your RIGHT). Repeat for 30 seconds and see how fast you can go. HINT: Try as a class to say the motions out loud together while going through the actions.


Twist & Breathe

Place your right fingers on your right shoulder and your left fingers on your left shoulder (lift them high so that your elbows are at a 90-degree angle). First shoulder twist to the left and inhale the entire time you are turning left. Next twist and exhale to the right. Try to keep your breathing slow AND remember your inhale should be shorter than your exhale!! Try to repeat this for 30 seconds to 1 minute. 

5 Things

Here is a great regulation practice that you can practice with your child at home over the break!


5 Things Exercise - Try to write them down or say them out loud.

  • 5 things you see
  • 4 things you can touch
  • 3 things you can hear
  • 2 things you can smell
  • 1 thing you can taste

This focused attention strategy is a good one to use when you are having overwhelming emotions as this helps guide your mind back to calm and redirects your thoughts.

To try out previous week's regulation strategies, check out the Regulation Strategies page on our school website.

Clench and Release

Start from the top of your body, clenching your face, hands and abdomen and hold for 10 seconds (try to hold your breath as well). Release after the 10 seconds and breathe out. Try this again 3 times (10 seconds in between each clench and release). Here is what you should look like! This is an example of a body grounding activity. Body grounding activities are beneficial for students as they help reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance emotional regulation.  

Rollercoasters & Snakes

Start by moving your right-hand up and down in a rollercoaster-like motion, then at the SAME time move your left-hand side to side like a slithering snake. Try keeping these motions going for 20-30 seconds (if you can!) If you reach Expert mode, try switching arm movements while in motion!