We are pleased to announce that we will be offering another Nitza’s hot lunch for the school on Monday, March 10th.
This lunch will be open to all grades K-9.
Due to the alternating nature of the Kindergarten classes, the K students in the Tuesday/Thursday class who were able to participate in the last hot lunch will unfortunately miss out on this one, but K students in the Monday/Wednesday class will be able to participate in this round.
We are using a new website this year called Healthy Hunger, which offers a large variety of restaurants to choose from and plenty of food options as well. Better yet- our school gets money back just for ordering through their website!! This money will go directly back to our fundraising goals and Lakeland Ridge students and staff. If you have already set up an account for your child for the last hot lunch, then you will be able to log in and start ordering right away. If you don’t already have an account set up, follow the steps listed below to get started.
This is ALL done online- both ordering and payment. We can NOT accept any cash or written orders.
The deadline for ordering is 5 days prior to the hot lunch and we cannot make any changes or additions after the cut-off.
Order cut-off date for this lunch will be Wednesday, March 5 at 11:59 PM
**We will be unable to do refunds for students who are absent on hot lunch day. If you would like to make arrangements to pick up your absent child’s lunch, please call the office or email llrhotlunch@gmail.com by 11am the day of the hot lunch. Unclaimed lunches will not be kept past the lunch hour.**